+49 89 23 23 97 89-0
Logistics solutions for a small planet

At Yarres International Logistics, protecting our environment is not an empty promise, but an issue that is very close to our hearts. We are constantly endeavouring to reduce our ecological footprint. This includes both direct and indirect emissions. The process of identifying these and then developing ways to make improvements that go beyond the classic “quick wins” often requires courageous questioning of familiar processes and therefore represents a serious challenge. For example, going paperless as far as possible is a change process that has a profound impact on everything and everyone in an organisation. At Yarres, however, we are not afraid of such challenges and the steady incremental progress we are making gives us hope that the future of our industry can be environmentally neutral.

Despite all the internal measures, the largest part of a freight forwarder’s environmental impact lies in the area of indirect emissions. Specifically, this refers to the emissions produced every day by the vehicles we use to reliably transport our customers’ freight to its destination. Close cooperation with our partners around the world is necessary here in order to make joint progress in reducing our indirect emissions.